👉The name of the kingdom in Tangled is Corona which, unfortunately, reminds a lot of people not just of a popular Mexican lager but the pandemic that’s currently disrupting life and taking lives around the world. Tangled came out in 2010, so only the tin foil hat brigade would see a connection between the name of the Rapunzel’s kingdom and the pandemic.

Still, “What was the name of the kingdom in Tangled?” was the most Googled question during a weekend in late March as stay-at-home orders spread. And the answer to that question is very fitting to today’s time.

👉Yes, the name of the kingdom in Tangled where everyone got sick and Rapunzel was taken away and distanced from society was called “Corona.” And the similarities didn’t end there. People on Twitter started to started to share the other similarities they found in the movie.

And others noticed that the lyrics in the song “When Will My Life Begin” gives some useful tips on what we can do while we’re stuck at home in quarantine.

Here the other similarities they found in the movie.

👉If Disney ever makes a Tangled 2 (a real one, the Ever After special doesn’t count), wonder if they will rename the kingdom or if Rapunzel and Rider will conveniently move to another area, maybe Vaccineville or Maskopolis? Those terrible names aside, it might be a wise move to change the name.

👉If Disney decides to keep “Corona,” it will be or a good reason. As it turns out, the word “corona” has an appropriate meaning for Tangled and the virus.

👉While there haven’t been any plans to do another movie with Rapunzel and Rider, it would be interesting to see what, if anything, they do about that name of the kingdom.